John Perkins

John Perkins

I learned about John Perkins while watching the movie Thrive.

He used to work for the US government as an economic hit man. I didn’t know they existed. I’m so glad he’s educating other people about this.

I think we can all teach & learn so much by sharing our stories, our real life experiences.

Also I find as I’m going through my own awakening I’m discovering people who I have so much in common with, who are thinking the same things.

I decided to share these videos. I love the first one especially what he says at the end about creating a new world. I also really like the 1:20 mark where he explains that we were born at this time for a reason.

I’d encourage everyone to watch his videos or read his books.

In the video below I really resonate what he says at the 50:30 mark and after. I think we need to cut back on everything including energy.

And we need to be looking at our planet as a small one.


In May 2015 I received his newsletter by email. I want to share some things he wrote. 

Our history and our experience should teach us that what we’ve been doing isn’t working. When it’s clear that the status quo, the normal, the “way it’s always been,” isn’t good for the planet or we humans who live on her, we must look for new ways to thrive.

This isn’t optional or just for those who “have time;” changing the system of our world is an urgent responsibility for all of us regardless of political affiliation, belief system, or socio-economic background.

There are many examples of what I call the Death Economy: war as a highly profitable industry, the wealthiest 85 people possessing 50% of the world’s assets, small farmers and ranchers struggling in the face of giant corporations like Monsanto that are poisoning their communities and sabotaging their livelihood, among others.

The human costs are staggering, as people die every day from preventable causes such as hunger, exposure, disease, and violence. And the environmental costs are also extremely high: oil is ruining Amazon rainforests, Roundup and Big Agro are contaminating rivers and farmland, and overfishing is depleting the ocean’s population, to name a few examples.

We can move from the Death Economy to the Life Economy by not only changing our actions and plans, but first and most importantly changing our mindset, our worldview, our dream. We have entered the Consciousness Revolution! Let’s make history – big time! It will take each one of us and all of us, together.


The Love Summit

Go to this great site to find out about The Love Summit. 

I want to copy here a few things from their site and the email I received about this:

While it may appear on the surface that we have succeeded in creating more profitable businesses, profit is only real and lasting when it has a reciprocal relationship with its environment.

Evidence such as climate change, a diminishing middle class and worldwide poverty (all largely produced by uncompassionate business practices) have created a questionable future for generations to come.

Since people and the planet cannot sustain these practices, businesses that perform such activities can neither thrive nor sustain themselves long-term.

“We live in the most revolutionary time in human history. It is bigger than the Agricultural Revolution or the Industrial Revolution, the American Revolution or any other revolution.

This is a revolution in consciousness, a time for us to wake up to our true potential as human beings.

It’s a revolution that will free us from our unconscious stories of lack and limitation and release us from the false values, hopes and expectations that have kept us stuck in dysfunctional patterns – both as individuals and as global societies.” 

– John Perkins, DreamChange founder & NY Times best selling author

As soon as we begin approaching our relationship with ourselves, others and the environment from a place of compassion, everything else will fall into place.

The most likely candidate for decelerating climate change, protecting the environment and creating positive social change for future generations is – “who would have thought?” – love.

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